How to Use Ribbon Classic Controls v20.0.36039.7899 in Delphi
Ribbon Classic Controls v20.0.36039.7899 is a package of VCL components that allows you to create applications with the Microsoft Fluent UI (also known as Office UI) in Delphi[^1^]. The package includes a TRibbon component that provides a ribbon bar with tabs, groups, buttons, galleries, and other controls[^2^]. You can customize the appearance and behavior of the ribbon controls using properties, events, and actions.
In this article, we will show you how to use Ribbon Classic Controls v20.0.36039.7899 in Delphi to create a simple text editor application with a ribbon interface. We will also explain some of the features and limitations of the package and how to obtain a license from Microsoft to use the Fluent UI legally.
To use Ribbon Classic Controls v20.0.36039.7899 in Delphi, you need to have the following:
Ribbon Classic Controls v20.0.36039.7899
A licensed copy of RAD Studio, Delphi or C++Builder that supports VCL development.
A valid license for the Office UI from Microsoft. You can obtain one if you have previously accepted the Microsoft Fluent UI license agreement that was available at[^3^]. If you do not have a valid license, you cannot use the Ribbon Control components legally.
The Ribbon Classic Controls package installed from the GetIt Package Manager or downloaded from the GExperts website[^4^].
Creating a Text Editor Application with a Ribbon Interface
To create a text editor application with a ribbon interface using Ribbon Classic Controls v20.0.36039.7899 in Delphi, follow these steps:
Create a new VCL Forms Application project in Delphi.
Add a TRibbon component to the main form from the Ribbon Controls tool palette.
Add a TPageControl component to the main form and align it to alClient.
Add a TTabSheet component to the TPageControl and name it tsEditor.
Add a TRichEdit component to the tsEditor and align it to alClient.
Add another TTabSheet component to the TPageControl and name it tsPreview.
Add a TWebBrowser component to the tsPreview and align it to alClient.
Add some TRibbonGroup components to the TRibbon and arrange them as you like.
Add some TRibbonButton components to the TRibbonGroups and assign them appropriate images, captions, and hints.
Add some TRibbonActionList components to the main form and link them to the TRibbonButtons using the Action property.
Write code for the TRibbonActions to implement the functionality of the text editor, such as opening, saving, printing, formatting, etc.
Write code for the TWebBrowser to display the HTML preview of the text in the TRichEdit.
Run and test your application.
Features and Limitations of Ribbon Classic Controls v20.0.36039.7899
Ribbon Classic Controls v20.0.36039.7899 is a package of VCL components that offers an implementation of Microsoft Fluent UI natively done in the VCL with no external dependencies[^3^]. It has some features and limitations that you should be aware of before using it:
It supports RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney and above.
It does not support FireMonkey or cross-platform development.
It does not support all features of the Fluent UI, such as backstage view, contextual tabs, quick access toolbar, etc.
It may have some bugs or issues that need to be fixed or updated over time.
In this article, we have shown you how to use Ribbon Classic Controls v20.0.36039.7899 in Delphi to create a simple text editor application with a ribbon interface. We have also explained 29c81ba772