Why? "The WASP establishment, " says Cohn, "went after the Bank of the United States with a vengeance that was pure in its anti-Semitism. ") [ZION, S., 1988, p. 24] In Miami also, noted Robert Friedman in 2000, "until recently the ringleader of the Russian mob in South Florida, " Ludwig Fainberg has held "numerous fundraisers... for Jewish charities at a restaurant and nightclub he owns called Babushka. " [FRIEDMAN, R., 4-10-00] A lot of Jewish World War II lackies to Nazis ended up working as officials in American Jewish community organizations. As noted Jewish Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal notes: "I made a [postwar] rule that was approved by the American military government authorities and became known as Lex Wiesenthal: Latin for Wiesenthal's Law. It was very simple: WHOEVER HAD A FUNCTION OF AUTHORITY IN THE NAZI PERIOD COULD NOT HAVE A FUNCTION IN POSTWAR JEWISH LIFE.
Istok je prethodnih godina mnogo ulagao u obrazovanje i vec sada se vidi rezultat koji rezultira visokim privrednim rastom. Ljudi sa istoka koji nisu sticali obrazovanje u svojoj domovini, obrazovanje su sticali na teret drugih drzava pa izmedju ostalog i amerike, posle toga puni znanja se vracaju u svoje zemlje. Jednostavno greska u koracima, neka licna greska i napolje. Mozda nije fer al' je sportski.
" [WOLFF, G., 1986, p. 9] Here's how Marsha Richman and Katie O'Donnell describe the typical Jewish "con-man": "THE JEWISH CON MAN. He's just good-looking enough. He went to a name-drop school or two. He's had a name-drop position or two. He moves from position to position, group to group. His only constant attachments are to this mother and his children. He leaves a trail of people behind him who wonder why they didn't see the too many finely tailored shirts, the monograms. Later, you remember he was: a subtle name dropper. A whit too polished (his shoes, his nails, etc.
147] His "best friend and neighbor was Mafia boss Matthew (Matty the Horse) Ianniello. " "Capasso, " notes Jack Newfield and Wayne Barrett, "was probably the only cheating husband in history who claimed to be spending his nights with a Mafia boss (Ianniello) when he was really having an affair with Miss America. " [NEWFIELD/BARRETT, p. 8] (In 1998, Myerson donated money to the Anti-Defamation League to institute the "Bess Myerson Campus Journalism Awards, " conceived by her as "an important tool in reaching students far and wide in the fight against hatred, " encouraging "student journalists to think critically about interracial, interethnic, intercultural and interreligious relations.
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Savremeni model privređivanja, izgrađen na dolaru kao glavnoj svetskoj valuti, doveo je do toga da Amerika ima jedinstvenu ulogu u svetskoj privredi. Ona proizvodi oko 20 posto svetskog BNP. Ukupni svetski BNP iznosi oko 60 triliona dolara. Realni udeo SAD je 12 triliona, iliti jedna petina. U isto vreme, Amerika troši oko 40 posto svetskog BNP. Prema paritetu kupovne moći, razume se. Uništenje tog sistema dovešće do toga da će životni standard u SAD opasti. Bar dvostruko, i to je najmanje što je moguće.
" Next to them are Bill and Bob. Bill says: "I'll bet you $10 that Fred welshes on his bet if he loses. " Next to them is Sally. Sally says: "For $3 I'll guarantee to Bill that if Bob fails to pay off, I'll make good on the bet. " Sally then goes to Mary and borrows the $7 needed in case she has to ever pay off and promises to pay back $8. She doesn't expect to ever have to pay since she believes Bob will always make good.
But it is true, of course, that a confidence man who cannot inspire confidence in his marks is nothing at all, so perhaps his tuneup of his bloodline, educational vita, and war record was merely the price of doing business in a culture preoccupied with appearances... But for all his pre-occupation with make-believe, he never tried seriously to write it. A confidence man learns early in his career tht to commit himself to paper is to court trouble. The successful bunco artist does his game, and disappears himself.
Zamisli da imas stan, koji je pre 3 meseca kostao 100000 EUR, i zbog kraha danas kosta 50000 EUR i, da stvar bude jos gora, nemas na racunu kes tako da ne mozes ni da se prehranis. Neko hoce da kupi taj tvoj stan za 55000 EUR i ti izjavis da te on "peljesi"? Pa nece biti da je tako, uvek mozes da ga: a) Ne prodas - ali ako nemas pare ni za osnovne zivotne potrebe - tesko da mozes da napravis taj izbor b) Da pokusas da ga prodas za vece pare, sto je vrlo malo verovatno Isto i za te banke. Ako pretpostavimo da one nemaju ni za "zivotne potrebe", onda ta ponuda ne samo sto nije "peljesenje" vec spas. Citat: Ako sad ne vidis sve slabosti i neogranicenu pohlepu njihovog sistema onda neces nikada. Svaki sistem ima svoje slabosti, a nije bas da je taj sistem o kome ti govoris ogranicen na USA... U svakom slucaju, postoje realno primenjiva resenja, kao sto je ovo koje se trenutno primenjuje, i postoje nerealna resenja u domenu maste...
Cupchik said. " [KEYS, L., 12-28-01] In 1997 the UJA-Federation of New York found itself in an in-house ethical controversy when James S. Tisch, whose family controls the Lorillard Tobacco corporation, was nominated to head the Jewish organization. "Morality, ethics, Jewish law against self-destruction and common sense, " said fellow UJA board member Henry Everett, " mandate that it would be repugnant for a tobacco executive to be cast as the president and role model of any Jewish federation.
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Ms. Lieberman also had cocaine in her purse. Alan soon returned to America and was sentenced to prison. Brother Harold continued to resist expulsion from Chile, eventually committing suicide. [MIHALOPOULS, D., 3-1-98] Fugitive (since 1983) Jewish American financier Marc Rich [who merits further discussion later in this chapter] chose Switzerland to escape the arm of American law. Nonetheless, he became an Israeli citizen in 1994 and "has donated about $200 million over the last 20 years to Israel and worldwide Jewish charities. " [DOBBS, M., 2001, 2-21-01] "Maryland con man" Martin Bramson ("the mastermind of one of America's largest insurance fraud schemes") chose Europe to hide. Tracked by Interpol for three years, Bramson was finally arrested in the tiny country of Liechtenstein where he fought extradition back to America to face charges of "money laundering, wire fraud and mail fraud.
They complained that "sexual harassment is also rife within Jewish communal organizations. Since the [Hill] scandal broke, we have been inundated with stories from women who work within Jewish agencies, anxious to share their experiences of sexual harassment by lay and professional men... These stories could be multiplied almost without end. All the women we spoke with believed that sexual harassment is endemic and deeply engrained in the Jewish community. " [AVIV, D., p. 15] An echo of this has long been a problem in the psychotherapy and psychiatry worlds: the sexual exploitation of vulnerable patients by predatory therapists.
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Marina Markovic Glas Glumca | PDF - Scribd
Big Eddie sold cheap wine and whiskey to the poor of the town. We did not approve of Big Eddie. His diamond ring and his fat cigar offended us... [H]is business offended us. There were fights in front of his store, stabbings, more than one killing. There were rumors about him. Some people said he dealt with criminals. It as said that he gave so much to the synagogue to atone for the way he made his money...
" "On an ethical level, " Alfred Munzer, a lung specialist and president of the American Lung Association told the New York Times, "a smoking executive is not fit to be the head of a social welfare agency. " [MILLER, NYT, p. B3] In 1994, James Tisch's brother, Andrew, who was then the CEO of Lorillard, stated in Congressional hearings that the widespread scientific information about the relationship between smoking and cancer "has not convinced me that smoking causes deaths. " [MILLER, NYT p. B3] "Several Jewish leaders, " noted the Times, "who opposed Mr. Tisch's nomination asked not to be quoted, saying they were afraid that the Tisch family or the UJA-Federation might cut off their [economic] support to their groups...
telegraph. uk/fin... p-its-own-subprime-crisis. html Meni se sve više čini da su mnoge komercijalne banke koju posluju na Balkanu ( mene zanimaju Srbija i BiH) u velikom problemu, jer su sredstva plasirali u USA. UniCredit ima 158 miliona eura u HOV-u kod Lehman Brothersa, Intesa Sanpaolo ima oko 260 miliona eura HOV-a kod Lehmana, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich AG ima oko 252 miliona eura HOV-a kod Lehmana ( koji je kao što znamo prešao na bolji posao od bankarskog - sad prodaje kokice i semenke).
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They hated him and sent him and sent him to jail for fleecing his shareholders. But they hated him even more because he was Jewish. " [GETTLER, L, 2000, p. 27] More recently, much-publicized Jewish crime figures include the sensationally ostentatious penny-pincher and tax evader, Leona Helmsley (Ms. Helmseley, noted the Economist, "had long been labeled one of the villains of modern America. A witness at her trial testified that she had once said 'only the little people pay taxes' and the little people remembered. " [ECONOMIST, 4-25-92, p. 28] "Helmsley, " noted Reuters, "was found guilty... of writing off a wide variety of personal items as business expenses, including bras, shoes and dresses, a million dollar pool cover that doubled as a dance floor, and a $130, 000 stereo system.
[William] Chupchik -- who holds intervention seminars for what he calls 'atypical theft offenders' -- had a wealthy patient, a Holocaust survivor, who was arrested for stealing a $15 pair of Dr. Scholl's insoles from a drug store. 'He had no reason, no excuse for the theft behavior, ' he recalled. Still, as Mr. Cupchik spoke to the man about his past, he learned that the day of the theft was the 50th anniversary of his liberation from a concentration camp, when 'inmates were awakened at 3 a. and were forced to march, most of them without shoes, along a rock-laden rail line. ' 'It was an anniversary reaction, manifested in atypical theft behavior, ' Mr.
Sta je alternativa? Da drzava postane banka i obezbedjuje likvidnost privredi? Mislim da je to probano negde vec, vise puta... ispostavilo se da i taj nacin ima neke vrlo nezgodne mane, cak i gore od mana "wall street" menadzera. [ buda01 @ 14. 12:30] @ Ma sve ja to razumem, nego glavni problem je kako su onda pustili banke sa lanca, kad znaju moguce posledice? To je kao da ja prodajem atomsku bombu na buvljaku, i onda kad je neko kupi i raznese pola Beograda, ja se pravim blesav, a i lepo sam zaradio. [ Ivan Dimkovic @ 14.
Most of those who protested said they were concerned about the impact of the appointment [of Tisch] might have on the group's ability to raise money. " [MILLER, NYT, B3] Tisch was formally approved as the Jewish "role model" the next week. In another ethical area, in the wake of the much-publicized Anita Hill sexual harassment charges in 1991, the Jewish Bulletin of Northern California ran a story written by the Associate Executive Vice President of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council, Diana Aviv, and the Director of National Affairs for the American Jewish Committee, Gary Rubin.
" [STRONGWATER, 1998, p. 4]) In 2001, a Jewish journal, the Forward, featured an article about shoplifting, using actress Winona Ryder, real estate heir Robert Durst, and Bess Myerson as examples of the Jewish wealthy who steal for psychological reasons. In one man's case, his "Holocaust" background is allowed to excuse his thieving behavor. "Sometimes, " noted the article, "the stressor [shoplifter under stress] can be very old. For example, Mr.
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I'm a rabbi. ' All he cared about was himself. He didn't want there to be an arrest or a trial if his name would come up. It made me sick. 210] In 1992, another rabbi, Austin Yoncy Feld, and his brother were held in a San Francisco-area jail on charges that they planned to murder a Palo Alto child psychiatrist, Saul Wasserman, and his wife. Recently arrived from Jerusalem, police found in the rabbi's car "six plastic handcuffs, two knives, ski masks, detailed floor plans of the house, photographs of the Wassermans, a key to every door in the house, a bouquet of flowers and the location of a shotgun in the house.
Amerika (ni)je (vise) Amerika ?